Getting started
Verb to be

Verb to be

BE is the most important verb in the English language. It is used as a main verb and as an auxiliary verb, and it is also used in the passive voice. BE is the only English verb that has three conjugations in the simple present (am | are | is). All other verbs have just two conjugations. BE is also the only verb that has two conjugations in the simple past (was | were). All other verbs have only one past tense conjugation.

Here are the conjugations for BE in the simple present.

I amI am notAm I?
You areYou are notAre you?
He isHe is notIs he?
She isShe is notIs she?
It isIt is notIs it?
We areWe are notAre we?
You areYou are notAre you?
They areThey are notAre they?

Here are conjugations for the verb BE in the simple past.

I wasI was notWas I?
You wereYou were notWere you?
He wasHe was notWas he?
She wasShe was notWas she?
It wasIt was notWas it?
We wereWe were notWere we?
You wereYou were notWere you?
They wereThey were notWere they?

The verb BE, when followed by an adjective, is used to describe a person, place, or thing.

I am tired.Costa Rica is warm.The building is tall.
She is kind.The rooms are large.My ideas are bad.
We were late.Paris was beautiful.The tea was cold.

The verb BE can be followed by a noun to identify a person or a relationship.

  1. I am a lawyer.
  2. He is a student.
  3. We are friends.

BE can be followed by a preposition to identify the location of a person or thing.


  • I am at work
  • The main is in the car


  • The keys are by the door.
  • My book was on the table.

BE can be used with other verbs to create different verb forms.

BE + present participleI am working.Present progressive
He was running.Past progressive
BE + past participleFilms are shown here.Passive voice
The cake was eaten.
BE + infinitiveI am to leave Friday.
TShe was to call for help.


Verb BE. (2014, April 18). Lawless English.