List of useful phrases.
- A picture is worth 1000 words.Una imagen vale 1000 palabras.
- Are you coffeeable on Friday?¿Puedes tomar un café el viernes?
- Back to the drawing board.De vuelta a la mesa de dibujo.
- Be able to something.Poder algo.
- Beats me!¡Me golpea!
- Break a leg.Buena suerte.
- Bring up.Sacar un tema.
- Call it a day.Terminar.
- Can you cover me?¿Puedes cubrirme?
- Can't complain.No puedo quejarte.
- Cheer up!¡Animar!
- Come on, you can do it!¡Vamos, puedes hacerlo!
- Couldn't care less.No me importa menos.
- Did I get you right?¿He acertado?
- Don't take it to heart.No lo tomes en serio.
- Feeling under the weather.Me siento mal.
- Fingers crossed!¡Dedos cruzados!
- Good for you!¡Bien por usted!
- Good things come to those who wait.Las cosas buenas vienen a aquellos que esperan.
- Hit the sackIrse a la cama.
- How do you know?¿Cómo lo sabes?
- How is it going?¿Cómo va?
- I didn't catch the last word.No tomé la última palabra.
- I don't get it.No lo entiendo.
- I don't mind.No me importa.
- I feel you.Te entiendo.
- I freaked out!¡Me asusté!
- I screwed up!¡Cometí un error!
- I'd better be going.Será mejor que me vaya.
- I'll be with you in a minute.Estaré contigo en un minuto.
- I'll text you!¡Te escribiré un mensaje!
- I'm all ears.Soy todo oídos.
- It doesn't matter.No importa.
- It's a piece of cake!¡Fácil!
- It's not worth it!¡Que no vale la pena!
- It's on me.Invito yo.
- It's very kind of you!¡Es muy amable de su parte!
- Keep up the good work!¡Sigan con el buen trabajo!
- Like riding a bicycle.Como andar en bicicleta.
- Long time no see!¡Mucho tiempo sin verlo!
- Lucky you!¡Eres afortunado!
- No pain no gain.Sin dolor no hay ganancia.
- No worries!¡Sin preocupaciones!
- Not a bit!¡Ni un poco!
- Oh, that. that explains it.Oh eso. Eso lo explica.
- Over and over again.Una y otra vez.
- Pull yourself together.Cálmate.
- Put forward.Presentar.
- Run over.Atropellar.
- Sneak peek.Vistazo.
- Sorry to bother you.Perdón por molestarte.
- Sorry, i wasn't listening.Lo siento, no estaba escuchando.
- Step up your game.Intensifica tu juego.
- Take care!¡Cuídate!
- Thank heavens it's friday!¡Gracias a Dios es viernes!
- Thank you anyway!¡Gracias de todos modos!
- Thank you in advance!¡Gracias de antemano!
- That's a good one.Esa es buena.
- That's lit!¡Eso está iluminado!
- The best of both worlds.Lo mejor de ambos mundos.
- There is no room for doubt.No hay lugar para duda.
- There you go!¡Ahí viste!
- Things happen.Las cosas pasan.
- This is a no-brainer.Esto es obvio.
- What have you been up to?¿Qué has estado haciendo?
- What's going on?¿Que esta pasando?
- Where were we?¿Donde estábamos?
- You rock!¡Eres genial!
- You should go the extra mile...Deberías ir más allá...
- You sold me!¡Me vendiste!
- You were saying?¿Estabas diciendo?
- You've got to be kidding me!¡Tienes que estar bromeando!
Last updated on August 16, 2022